Essential oils for sex drive
Certain plants have been used to boost male and female sexual desire, performance, and pleasure for centuries. However, little scientific research has explored how essential oils may benefit a person’s sex life.
While it’s not possible to say any essential oil is an aphrodisiac, there are some properties of essential oils that can be linked to a more positive sexual experience.
1. Clary sage
Scientific studies suggest clary sage can help ease issues with women’s reproductive systems, such as painful menstrual periods. Research
2. Lavender
The scent of lavender has been found to significantly decrease anxiety and stress. This resulted in high levels of relaxation, which could benefit sexual experience.
3. Sandalwood
Researchers have found that women who use Sandalwood essential oil and its main compound during sex reported increased mood and higher levels of desire than those who did not.
4. Ylang ylang
Research suggests that use of Ylang Ylang essential oil is associated with feelings of euphoria and helps relieve depression. Study even demonstrated that applying ylang ylang oil to the skin can improve self-esteem.
While there’s no clear scientific link between ylang ylang and sexual experience, evidence suggests it can improve mental health. And because mood is linked to sexual experience, it’s possible that ylang ylang is a good essential oil for sexual stimulation.
5. Ginseng
Scientists think
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